Official Campaign Blog for Richard A. Olivito's Race for the 95th District's Ohio House

Its Begun: The Effort to Bring True Reform to both Ohio and the Ohio Valley; things will never be quite the same again...

Here, on this blog, we welcome robust commentary and sharing of ideas, critiques and dialogues. We welcome everyone's input regardless of party affiliation and/or nationality, race, creed, gender and/or socioeconomic status; even my open opposition is welcomed [Ohio Supreme Court Justices, i'm not so sure..but we'll see...]

Democracy means participation and it means becoming aware of the issues and making your voice heard

When Iranians of all backgrounds are involving themselves in democratic public protests with severe consequences to their leader; they are choosing democracy over their own personal ambitions.

When Greeks took to the streets of Athens and others citites across their nation, in the past year protesting the police shooting of one innocent young Greek man, these human rights protesters are being democratic, not problematic

When Lebanese and Syrians marched in the aftermath of the assasination of a popular democratic reform leader, they were showing people power over that of elite power structures

When a Saudi prince was disbarred last year as a practicing lawyer for standing up for women's rights in marriage, inside of his father's house in Saudi Arabia,..a ripple of Democracy was served at the expense of a courageous young lawyer's chosen profession

When two russian journalist were killed in separate but serious mysterious manner, for their courageous reporting on the true nature of the present "open government" of their homeland, they no longer live; but their memory lives on...

When one Italian prosecutor stood up against his nation's legacy and stood tall for justice in the past decade in Sicily and other regions of my native country; democracy was encouraged in the land of Ancient Rome once again...

When young chinese students stood in front of tanks and at times were crushed, they sent a message; democracy means something

When Mandella got out of prison and became South Africa's First Black President; He was saying, Democracy and human rights matter...

When we end the terrible CIA practice called Rendition sometime in the future in this nation, we will tell the world; we too believe in human rights for all...

When Martin and Bobby were leading millions in a new era of liberty and civil rights in America, in the sixties, there was a new breath of our Founder's meaning and purpose washing over America, ...we today, have all benefitted tremendously from their courage;

they died, we party....

When Robert Moses led a movement deep down in Mississippi as a teacher along with many others from the north, and helped free young people's minds from a hundred years of jim crow, he was teaching democracy a new generation of Americans, all across the nation... and he lives on today to teach algebra to disenfranchised children near Boston

When Jonathan Door, a moderate republican lawyer, was sent to the South by Eisenhower and was sustained by Robert Kennedy, he changed forever at great personal risk, the legal means by which the white power structure of the Southern planter class had given American history its most enduring legacy. Growing a genuine Democracy was his fundamental inspiration.

Its time therefore, for us in the valley, to stand up, rise up and take our place in this valley and in our own way, our own native history, as citizens, not just Ohio Valleyians and Ohioans but as citizens of a great nation called America, which can invent itself, every now and then, from bottom up....

[just ask a revolutionary named George Washington or some self taught solo lawyer named Abe Lincoln...if that's true or not...]

....its the right of the people to peacefully assemble and its the constitutional right of all us, here, as American's to be treated equally, to afforded our human rights which our Founder's indicated was a gift from God and to live with fairness and justice for all, not the be allowed to participate freely free from retaliatory reactions from the local, state and even federal judiciary and all systems of our government, the government which is supposed to be "of, by and for the people..."

But far too many of us, in Ohio, know the experience of our local and state government, in Ohio, to not be fair, to not be true, and to not be fully democratic, despite whatever party lable they adhere to...

and we know, Ohio is a state, oftentimes, in its local government, in many regions, that allows for a certain kind of ecnomic and social marginalization and a certain kind of disavowal, a mistreatement of the poor and the working classes, even when one has done all that she/he could have to promote the fundamental civil liberties of all the name of democratic ideals...

While their are many doing very good work inside of both public and private sectors, there is a fundamental need for a change in the direction of our state...and our leadership...

Indeed, Its time to take back Ohio, one valley at a time....

and we've chosen our begin

join me, here...and lets take this journey forward into the future, while we raise the voice of the people of the 95th district so it can be once again, heard loud and clear across our state, in downtown Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati and from there, around the world, including, especially our own...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The national award winning article about Richard's law work with the Dept of Justice and eastern ohio towns

The background of Ohio's Teen Age School Year Curfew Law

Link to the 1986 Cincinnati Magazine article which indicates my focus and official comments on the then pressing issue across our state and nation of excessive teen ager late hour work during the school year...which we began to address early on ...eventually leading to the creation of the legislative proposal i wrote p...rohibiting such excessive and exploitive labor practices...See MoreCincinnati Magazine - Google Books


Rich Olivito .....and the passage of O.R.C. 4109.07

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Big Banks And Old Problem in America

I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the Bank. ... You are a den of vipers and thieves.
—Andrew Jackson, 1834, on closing the Second Bank of the United States.

[From the original minutes of the Philadelphia committee of citizens sent to meet with President Jackson, February 1834, according to Stan V. Henkels, Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States, 1928 (unabridged form]

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Campaign for the 95th Begins in Earnest: Olivito Files 8 Pages of Petitions and his candidacy becomes Official

On Wednesday February 10, 2010

the race for the 95th District became official, with the filing of the petitions for the candidates....

Attorney Richard Olivito filed 143 signatures; only fifty are needed to be placed on the ballot and the maximum allowed is 150. Olivito filed 143, just seven short of the maximum number of registered voters allowed.

The race is about change and reform and this year, this election, this campaign and this about giving the people their rightful voice ....

we're running to give the citizens of the Ohio valley a choice to elect the person THEY believe is most qualified and experienced to lead this important position. The democratic party leaders in Columbus have chosen their candidate; He has received the backing of the local party they want the citizens to back him and basically affirm their decision and their choice

What is this but party dominated politics and excessive over reach into a regional and local office by a seated governor and the local partyofficials.

This is not meant to be personal against the individual chosen. he is a very nice young man and his family are well known and reasonable. Yet, the party did not consult the voters first before making their choice...

perhaps, its time for the people to let the ranking officials of the state and regional party...that they are the one's who ought to be first consulted before making such decision as to who is capable of best leading this region and our voters into the next generation of challenges that face our region and state.

Its not a simple matter but the choice is clear; you can vote for those who have major endorsements from rankning political figures who are professional politicians or someone who has trememdous experience in legislative and governmental and legal affairs, who is capable of knowing the constitutional aspects of the citizens rights on the first day in office.

there will no learning curve for learning the peoples constitutional rights for Mr. Olivito and there will be little time wasted in making serious legal reforms his priority while in his first days in office.

This is the clear choice; its not even close One candidate alone, out of the entire five member democratic field can state with honesty and openness, that he has created three separate legislatives proposals which have become law and have been on the books for over twenty years...

and they have operated to protect the women and children and all school aged working teens; the proof is in the pudding and only Olivito ...can make this statement and only Richard

has the ability to make it happen like this again..for the people of the 95th District...

come, join and help us, regain the valley's citizen's voice for we begin this journey into the future meeting our significant challenges head on, with faith, with experience and with dedication to the common people of our region.

we are inviting everyone to join in our historic return the Democratic party of Southeastern Ohio to where it belongs in the first place; to the citizens and ordinary working men, women and even minors of our amazingly independent region.

Rich Olivito

Democrats Target Tom Moyers seat; For the First Time Since Reagan Was President The Dems Have a Shot at the Top Ohio Superme Court Position

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Southeastern Region of Ohio Faces 2010: A Time For Real Change

Southeastern Ohio has been home to heavy industry for over a century and it has produced some of the most basic parts of not only this nation's infrastructure, but also its original union movements, its social and cultural formations and among other things, it has played a substantial, if not determinative role in both the historical struggle for human rights and equality in America ,from the earliest days of this nation, up thru the antebellum era and civil war, on through to the present era, as well as giving both the State of Ohio and/or the nation itself, leaders in law, govt, medicine, industry and cultural icons, who have contributed deeply to broadening the American narrative, from government to sports, to law and politics to the military and also in modern business management/union movements and to other fields of study, and life, including entertainment figures, commerce and our even our modern pop culture, up thru our modern era.

It is a region that has also fallen on some hard times, materially and economically for years and in particular, in the most recent decades. The steel industry of the Ohio Valley had survived when so many other mills and plants across the entire region, including those in Youngstown/Warren and Pittsburgh and even Cleveland had been shuttered years ago.

The mills in this vally lasted beyond those other city mills and valleys, for an entire generation and their union movements also were able to function beyond those of other regions, in a meaningful manner, for a longer period than did many of their relatd counterparts, in other major towns and cities for the past twenty years.

However, this industrial bulwark has seemingly reached its zenith in past few years. Large american corporate policy, national economic trends and international trade policies of the past thirty years have finally caught up with the workers of the Ohio Valley steel producers and industry.

Thus, the generational backbone economic structure of the Ohio Valley has been largely delt a death blow in recent years and despite best efforts to keep the mills operating, at a reduced level, the basic industry here, isn't what it once was; given the present global marketplace, its likely it will never be again, in many ways the same, if it even survives.

Beyond this, the Upper Ohio Valley nonetheless, has shown some surprising pockets of strength and resilence in a few other sectors, including the medical field, local banking and some other areas, like local retail and related few commercial developments. There is always hope for finding other hopeful sources of continued economic life.

However, as a whole, the area has seen an overall decline in real incomes, employment and real population growth and development of the various towns and cities which populate this historical industrial region and valley.

What is ahead for 2010? The political scene for the Ohio Valley has not changed much in terms of certain groups and personalities for at least a generation. The same interests that have dominated the valley for decades are still in control, in large part.

The tendency in the valley, in recent era, [given this maliase of re creative political and economic structures] is for the people of the valley to be subjected to a form of more and more political dependency participation; a form of almost near vasselage and/or near old world "bosses" has taken the front seat and has in many ways, replaced the notion, that the valley, as a strong democratic base, and swing voter region, is a capable, independent, self reliant and self realizing, fully equal partner in regional and state affairs and politics.

The electors from the valley, in certain state races, lately, have not been given very many options to choose leaders for themselves, at these higher levels; the trend in very recent years, has rather been on the democratic side at least, for the valley voters and electors to have candidates chosen by others, ahead of the primary outcome, usually by those in power in Columbus and/or elsewhere [even in the backrooms of some local political charged environment] and then have these individuals bascially 'trotted out' before the electors in the region as "the man for the job" or "the new candidate who is there for you." With this approach taken before the primary season begins, the decision making is usually, over before it begins as they say... [All the voters are left to do, is give their rubber stamp of approval, or not...frankly to these chosen few.

if the voters stay home, even the democrats, the outcome will remain the same. Its not exactly a wonder, with this type of super choice being made for the voters themselves, why so many remain out of the process and frankly are turned off, except for perhaps national elections.

Voter suppession isn't something anyone would think is a good idea anymore and its not something that ought to be in any form or methodology encouraged, even if its only indirectly acheived and/or not specifically the intended purpose of their otherwise 'good intentions' of various but very few, powerful special interests in the valley and at the top of the state party, who seem to have a lock on the local electorate's decision making processes to actually decide for themselves who THEY would choose to be their truely well-vetted and at least, electorate examined and determined representative for our region and state, from this era.

Indeed, such newly minted candidates as have been the recent trend tailor made in the small back rooms of a few, for our valley, are unusually youthful,promsing and at the same time, unsually inexperienced, despite being so well-connected to the present state power structure.

They usually have NOT been tested in ANY political office or sense of the word, truly public forum prior to obtaining such serious endorsements, well before the general public even gets to know them.

They appear, at least, to also lack any serious determinative [or seemingly, even in life] achievements, prior to being "selected" for the high offices, that the people lof the valley are then called upon to both basically, blindly support and to vote for.

[Of course, no one has to vote for the governor's choice in our area but it is more difficult if you owe your patronage job or that of your family member, to a particular set of local powerful officials and individuals who are then also given the heady sanction of the state's highest elected official, who happens to hail from your own party; then any true vetting of any such candidate isn't so simple anymore and its not exactly a 'free and open' system of elective politics, either, for those who participate from within any given perspecctive of the two party structure as so many do in our region.

[In short, these chosen have not had to run anything or accomplished anything on their own; its who you know, not what you know, in effect...]

The idea that any given high state level office is to be first 'meta' or 'pre-selected' prior to the people having a chance to first learn about these individuals and then have them chosen by free, fair and independent elections, is something of a novelty; While politics is not free of such choices and prior endorsements, it has never been quite so "in your face" in the manner these recent state offices have been pre-selected for our viewing pleasure only.

This is novel, even in our southern border politics, which has been traditionally, the kind that is union oriented and very typically hot, rarified and bombastic, just as is the character of eastern Ohio county popular elections for generations. [This stuff is more akin to the process of how a CEO and/or college president are nominated, not a people's representative, especially from our nettlesome but characteristically quite strongly union, democratic region.]

The new trend is to have a highly stylized youthful face chosen as a candidate by the more serious powers that be, and then simply have them so backed by such overwhelming political power and interets so as to discourage any and all other would be individuals, voices and /or others who would like an opportunity to serve and express their bona fides as loyal Democrats.

This is not to say, these several who are chosen are negative or simply not good individuals; to the contra, they appear to be fine young men and young faces who are interested in government. But they are someone else's choice for a candidate, long before they became our own.

Yet, they are presented by powers that be, as THE only true candidates on the ballot. Its understood, that anyone else, is but a mere outsider to the real 'politicians' of those 'who know' who is best for us...

Indeed, any others who would entertain the notion to run, are basically in effect, handicapped from the start, as not being able to meaningfully challenge the same within a serious, fair, independent and full and free [especially from major money influenced] election. Such process is not the best example of a people's unfettered choice and elective process.

Sadly, and quite uniquely, this trend is not merely limited to the old guard republican way of doing business in this valley. One would have thought, this post is about the impact of the major popular Republican leaders of recent era in Ohio's state politics who have been a fixture in our state politics for the past twney five years, like a Voinovich or Taft or Petro.

Instead, surprisingly, its been the Democratatic party and their most recent fairly popular Governor, from this region of the state, politically, in part, who has chosen this approach, to engage in such micro-management and heavy handed "selection" of local and regional political office candidates, to maximize the party's control over the electorate of this region of the state.

Why this form of 'central planning' approach to local state offices is happening is not clear. Its not about being afraid of losing major democratic seats in the State legistlature. The area has and remains staunchly democrat in orientation and demographis for the past thirty years, with few, if any exceptions.

This makes the "selective enforcement" approach to picking primary candidates for higher state public offices in the region, all the more interesting to note and take account of.

Why ought such powerful interests, who otherwise don't have much to add or contribute to the very local, specific interests and issues themselves, have such an interest in determining who exactly is being to be backed into local statewide office and positions of influence from southeastern Ohio?

Why is it, regardless of the nice personalities of the young men who have been blessed by the higher ups in the party both locally and at the state and regional level, that such anti democratic instincts have over taken the old tried and true style politics of an era that helped to create the major names and reputations in this region for decades, both inside of law, government and politics and even within our social syetem, in this region and inside of our state and nation.

Allowing "made men" youthful [and all promsing ones, coming from very fine families as they often do] to be "the" chosen ones ...has all the touch and sense and feel of a truly bygone, "party boss" day and era...

We who are somewhat older, perhaps even more mature, and certainly more silver, than these new found political newcomers, need to look back to the turn of the century era of Lisbon's powerful industrialist Mark Hanna days to find such powerful overlords who did anything similar to what is happening right before our eyes, today, here in Jefferson and Belmont County and within our region in general.

There was in the former days, almost an unwritten understanding that those who ran for such positions had to least serve some form of political apprenticeships, save if you were JFK or on similar grounds, as the order of the day dictated. Perhaps, that era is gone and its simply a new time.

I'm not sure its headed however, in the right direction, given that backing not very experienced individuals be they Sarah Palin, nor someone else, to high political office is not necessarily turning out to be such a very ultimately good idea for either party in many people's view.

Those young men, who are basically being "placed" there for a reason, by interests and groups and a few powerful politicians and individuals, seem to want to excercise whatever influence and control over the popular mind and decision making of the people, so they in effect get to decide who will be the one's THEY most want to have represent this region and the one THEY will likely have the say so and do the things and believe are best for those who have so early on, backed them so openly and readily.

Let me add, there's nothing absolutely wrong with participating in politics at a young age. There's nothing particularly wrong with being young and sensing one can contribute; Our military personel are in every generation and we all were young, once.

Its great in fact to want to serve. [But I knew... well, kind of knew something about JFK lets say and well, these are no...JFK...]

Yet, in this particular context and i believe for this Valley, this present "pre-endorsing" is not such a good trend; it treats the Ohio Valley and our constitutional "one person, one vote" right to the elective franchise, as if we are children ourselves.

Its nice to be mothered at any time in our personal lives. But, I don't want or need, the powers that be, to mother me also. We are men and women and as such, we are to choose freely our elected officials and state office holders.

So the question remains, Why this position? Why now? Given the serious challenges and needs of our area, as critical as anytime in our lives, I don't think this is the wise thing to do.

This is also not indicative of the proud southeastern Ohio spirit and the powerful days of union politics in this region. We have now at this time, a major set of employment and urban/rural challenges facing this region.

Do we really continue to take young, promising and even good folks, but those who lack serious public service or other life experience [even somewhat solid life experiences] and make them our decision makers and our political leaders, on some of the most critical issues facing this region in over a century? Will they dare to differ with the powerful interests who brought them to the table, when those interest have competing agendas that may overlook this region's common and best interests?

This blogger simply thinks, [and NOT out of any personal bias or prejudice, against ANY of these recent young men who are seeking [or have sought and obtained] office in this region] that this trend is NOT in the best DEMOCRATIC and/or open elective way this valley and its people and citizens ought to be able to enjoy their sole constitutional right and duty to give their voice and make their only selection for the person or individual who best can represent their interests, going forward.

Seeking public office and electing a public servant, especailly in today's tense, money-driven political environment, has not been and ought not become something 'left to the experts' or to the special interests.

It ought not start today, in the Valley. American's have not often historically taken lightly to the notion of having their leaders "chosen by the experts" for them, except given again the old "party boss" days, which were long ago decidedly distanced from for the main.

Allowing free and fair and open independent elections is something millions of this nation fought for years to maintain. PRIMARY elections are TRULY important in this regard in this region, at this time. Democracy takes no naps; it lends itself to no respite for the people to best determine who they will choose to lead.

It ought NOT be left up to those in power for the moment, to best determine who will represent those who choose ultimately, are in power in the first place.

It is also what so many of the greatest generation gave of their youth to sacrifice for; a free democracy is a study in self- rule and self -determination and self-governing, whether one is republican or democrat.

Having others, even friends of ours, even some of those not expresslly from here, to decide FIRST WHOM we get to choose to represent us, smacks of something ...well, quite undemocratic and simply not healthy for our present era.

Instead, we need to have a robust and open and free primary election here in the southern Ohio region. Why? Becasue some of us may differ with the present direction that some folks in Columbus, on both sides of the aisle are taking this state and have seemingly at times, either left behind or onced again, forgotten not so much our voters and swing voter base, during elections, but rather, our primary economic and social and even cultural development both here and now as a part of the State of Ohio which historically has been all but forgotten by the much more populated and powerful centers of this state by whoever is in the state highest offices.

Its time, as Democrats, we don't take a supine, back seat, position to those who are elected from other regions of the State, who wish to help choose for us, who is going to be our frontrunners for high political office from our region.

We voters are NOT to be simply taken for granted time and time again and then discarded when it comes time to have major govenment initiatives developed here in this part of the State.

There are various issues and items and specific details that i will share further with the readers of this blog. Yet, for now, lets leave this initial statement with this idea again:

Those who fought this nation's wars and those who fought this nation's independence and civil wars, did not come back home to have anyone choose for them, who was going to be their representatives and their own best ally in their fight to have their hometowns and regions and interest best represented, in the midst of very heady and rarified environment called state and national politics,

...As many an ol pol understands so well, but some in our party seem to have forgotten...

"those who take you to the dance, are the ones' you end up leaving with."

and so it is true again at this time, in this new/old century apparently

We can and must care enough to change this.

There is no real news here nor much in the way of any new politics; its just the use of fresh young nice faces, that makes one have to wonder why these fine young men, are being courted by the powerful older [mainly older white male] structure of the present local and state democratic party regulars?

One would like to ask the good governor and his powerful associates regionally, if they truly do the same inside of an open seat, or soon to be, openly contested race inside a primary, in downtown Cleveland, or Columbus, or Toledo, or Dayton, or Cinninatti or even Akron, Youngstown?

Would he do it in his very hometown, if solid otherwise qualified democratic candidates across the spectrum, were to enter into such an open seat race?

If not, then why here, so quickly and early, my good friend and Governor?

This is just a question, that one very experienced, dedicated and loyal democrat individual with a solid political name himself is asking of his own political party these days. Are we not all democrats? Does not our vote and voice count or have its own value, too? May we not want to contribute, on at least, an equal footing or attempt to, as someone who
is not half as experienced as many of those we know are?

Perhaps,this issue, is the basis for another commentary, another day the meantime, lets begin to open our eyes, to the new reality of having old guard, seemingly republican politics, masking itself the new democratic party of 2010...

and with this in mind, lets begin to take heed, as a members of an open, independent, responsible adult citizenry and electorate and lets try to meet the serious challenges facing our region as we head into the near future, with an eye to understanding and utilizing our own understanding and our own values and beliefs and judgement, and not that of resting upon others, to make our decisions for such high offices. Either way, we here in the valley, will be the ones who will have to live with the outcome.

and so, minneapolis falling speaketh again...